In a tradional Spanish Wedding the groom groom gives a watch to the bride's father when hes proposal is accepted. In earlier times brides would wear black dresses but now they returned to while just like we wear here in the United States. Because dining late is a Mediterranean custom, wedding ceremonies often aren't scheduled until the evening. Usually the bride's father escorts his daughter to the church after having ensured that the groom hasn't seen her the night before the ceremony. The groom's mother walks down the aisle with her son.
Even though I've never been to a real wedding I know of the American Customs. I've never heard of the groom walking down the aisle, let alone with his mom! The brides only have this honor and they get escorted by their fathers. The Spanish traditions also suggest that the bride's father stays with her the night before her wedding making sure the groom is no where to be found. I thought the bachelorette party takes place that night! I also learned that weddings in Spain take place in the evening. Here in the United States most weddings take place in the afternoon and the receptions occur at night. I found it interesting to learn about tradional Spanish Weddings because someday I think it would be fun to attend one!
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